Ann Luther retires after 40 years of service with the City of Lexington (2025)

Jose Perez

LEXINGTON — After four decades of dedicated service, Lexington native Ann Luther is set to retire from her role as the city’s community activities director. In honor of her retirement, a celebration will be held at the Grand Generation Center on Wednesday from 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Luther, who has become a well-known figure in the community, spoke with the Clipper-Herald, providing insights into her decision to retire, her future plans and her reflections on her extensive career as a Lexington city employee.

When asked why she chose 2024 as the year to retire, Luther said she and her husband, Larry, have cherished their biannual trips to Panama City Beach, Florida, where they visit family each spring and fall. The couple had been searching for a permanent residence there for several years, and this year, they found a house just a few miles from their family members’ condos.

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“After returning from our trip in May of this year, I originally planned to work for at least one more year before considering retirement and moving,” Luther said. However, following a meeting with their financial adviser, the Luthers realized that it was feasible to purchase a house without the need for either of them to continue working.

“We left that meeting, and my husband right away was just like, ‘I’m done, I’m turning in my notice. I’m done working.’ And then I said, ‘Well, OK, I guess maybe I am too!’” Luther said.

With the help of friends and family, the Luthers plan to renovate their new home in Florida in early September. After returning to Nebraska from that trip, Luther will finalize their move by late September.

Reflecting on her career, Luther said she began working for the City of Lexington at the age of 16, later becoming the first female employee in the city cemetery department, where she mowed the grass. She graduated from Lexington High School in 1979 and attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, continuing to work for the city during most of her summer breaks.

After completing her degree in elementary education at UNL, Luther moved back to Lexington and initially worked as a shop clerk before becoming the director of the Grand Generation Center. She later served as the community activities director for the City of Lexington.

Among her proudest achievements, Luther highlighted being named the city’s Employee of the Year. However, she said her most rewarding experiences came from working at the Recreation Complex, which hosted state softball tournaments.

“That was a great thing to bring to Lexington. Not only has it brought people to the complex, but it also filled hotels and restaurants in the area,” Luther said.

Luther also cherished her time working as a camp counselor for senior citizens.

“That was an awesome experience. We took them out on canoes and did zip-lining with them,” Luther said.

Asked about her mentors, Luther mentioned former City Managers Bill Podraza and Vance Bricker, who provided her with valuable guidance in her early years with the City of Lexington.

Looking ahead to retirement, Luther expressed her desire to remain active.

“The tasks I’ve done for work are things that I do enjoy doing in my personal life,” she said. “I love to swim and I’ve always been very active, and physical fitness is very important to me. I’ve taught a lot of classes such as water aerobics and Field House fitness classes in the winter.” She hopes to continue participating in similar activities in Florida, possibly teaching or joining classes.

Additionally, Luther plans to travel more, visit national parks and visit her children who live in California and New York.

When asked what advice she would give her younger self, Luther said, “I would tell younger Ann to try to relax more. I’ve always held myself to a high standard in terms of how things should be done at work.”

Luther hopes to be remembered as someone who worked hard and always strived to do what was best for the community.

To those considering a career with the City of Lexington, she offered this advice: “Take pride in what you do and make Lexington a great place for everyone to live in.”

“I’ve really enjoyed my jobs with the City of Lexington,” she said, “and hopefully I’ve done the best that I could with what I had.”


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Jose Perez

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Ann Luther retires after 40 years of service with the City of Lexington (2025)
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